Laudato Si & COP26

At St Cath’s we want our children to, ‘Set the world on fire’. We want them to be agents for change: to be aware of global national and societal issues and to act to address them – to make the world a better place.

31st October 2021 was the start of COP26, the United Nations’ Climate Change Conference. Some of the most powerful people in the world came together in Glasgow to work together to agree action to tackle climate change. This was too important an event to ignore. For three weeks, throughout and after COP26, we taught our children about the damage we have caused to our planet, what the future holds if we don’t make a change, and how we can each make a difference. We also looked at why, as Catholics, we believe that we are Stewards of Creation and that this is our duty, focusing on Pope Francis’ message in Laudato Si.

Our pupils wanted to spread their message far and wide, so we used Twitter, the radio, local press and the power of a peaceful protest, to encourage others to take steps to combat climate change.

The St Cath’s ‘Paris Agreement’

Inspired by the world leaders at COP26, our Year 6 Drexel created their own version of the Paris Agreement, for St Cath’s. This will be brought before the Governing Body and form part of our long-term sustainability plan. I’m so pleased that our pupils have challenged us to go further and do more!

Year 2 Jacinta’s Twitter Campaign to encourage people to treasure God’s gift of water!
Incredible artwork from 5 Teresa reminding our world leaders that the eyes of the world are watching them!

As Catholics we believe we are Stewards of Creation – we have a duty to look after the earth and all of God’s creation. We also have a duty to the poor and most vulnerable. The destruction of land, oceans and forests is threatening the homes and livelihoods of some of the poorest communities globally. I know that this care for our world and vulnerable
communities is shared by our brothers and sisters of other faiths as well as those of no faith – this is about what kind of planet your children will have to inhabit.

As part of our COP26 Unit, we are going to encourage our pupils to be agents for change. We want to guide the children on ways they can do this: writing to our MP, local and national businesses; sharing their views on social media; encouraging their families and friends; challenging me and the Trust to make changes and even peacefully protesting. If you have a particular interest or expertise in this area and are willing to help/take part, please email me at